Vidin, Bulgaria and Calafat, Romania, 2012.06.29



Joint AT-BG-RO-SRB Table-top-exercise for Combating Organized Crime - In the Framework of Priority Area 11 “Security” of EUSDR and PCC SEE

The PCC SEE Secretariat is organizing a joint table-top-exercise between Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia for Combatting Organized Crime  in the Framework of Priority Area 11 “Security” of EUSDR and PCC SEE. On 30th June 2012 in the afternoon, as one of the coordinators of Priority area 11 – Security, the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria is organizing a joint exercise with the Romanian side in the area of Vidin – Calafat, aimed at enhancing the coordination of actions related to solving a crisis situation on a vessel. The exercise scenario may involve arising and solving of a crisis situation with taking hostages on a vessel, subsequent fire on the vessel and rescue operations for the passengers affected by the accident. On 29th June 2012 the PCC SEE will be presented as an appropriate and common legal base for cooperation in SEE region, which can also be used between partners in the DANUBE STRATEGY. Experts in the field of combatting Organized Crime from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia will work out a Scenario (Undercover Operation, Controlled Delivery, Information exchange – Smuggling of precursors) into an operation plan. Each country will explain its procedures in such situation – both with regard to international cooperation, but also the coordination and interaction between the different competent units on national level.

On 30th June the conclusions, recommendations for amendments in the national procedures and international arrangements will be presented to EU Commissioner HAHN who will observe the real-doing-exercise between Bulgaria and Romania “Exercise for Solving Crisis Situation in the Framework of Priority Area 11 “Security” of EUSDR and Assisting the Goals of Priority Area 3 “Tourism” of EUSDR.

For more questions please contact Mr. Thomas Pepper at

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina