Belgrade, Serbia, 2010.06.22



Cross-Border Surveillance and Controlled Delivery Workshop

The Expert Mission was convened within the framework of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe (PCC SEE) and executed by Contracting Parties and Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria with the support of PCC SEE Secretariat. The main aim of the Expert Mission was to present the Convention and its significance to Serbian police representatives, in particular to discuss with national experts the provisions of Article 14 and 15 PCC SEE and by this means to support Serbia to harmonise its standards of police cooperation especially in the field of “Cross-border Surveillance” and “Controlled Delivery”.

The meeting was attended by police officers of the Border Police and Crime Police. Fruitful discussion between the police representatives and the international expert enabled to identify the practical problems and to examine the way to solve them in compliance with EU standards. It was affirmed that a Cross-border Surveillance Exercise would be of great importance for the officers of the Surveillance Unit and Border Police Units, as well as for the bilateral negotiations between Serbia and other Contracting Parties of the implementation agreement on Article 14 and 15 PCC SEE.

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina