Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2011.01.27



2nd PCC SEE Implementation Programme Way Ahead Meeting

The Secretariat convened the second PCC SEE Implementation Programme Way Ahead meeting, which took place on 27 and 28 January 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Representatives from the donor countries and implementation partners gathered with the aim to discuss the progress of the implementation process, achievements of the PCC SEE Secretariat in 2010, activities planned for 2011 and steps forward. In attendance were representatives from the current Moldovan PCC SEE Chairmanship, the upcoming Montenegrin PCC SEE Chairmanship, Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Switzerland, EUROPOL, CEPOL, EU Police Mission in BiH, DCAF, MARRI Regional Centre, OSCE, RCC, SECI Center and SEPCA. The representatives briefly presented their complementary activities and/or PCC SEE related projects, which helped portray the current situation of various activities in the region.

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina