Celje, Slovenia, 2011.02.23



5th Meeting of the Expert Working Group

The 5th meeting of the Expert Working Group was held from 23-24 February 2011 in Celje, Slovenia, and was chaired by Mr. Fredolin Lecari, Head of Division, Department for International Cooperation, Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs, and co-chaired by Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat. In attendance were representatives from the Contracting Parties as well as from Austria, France, Slovenia, Switzerland, General Secretariat of the Council of EU, AEPC, RCC and SECI Center .

The meeting served as an opportunity for the Moldavian Chairmanship-in-office to present their priorities during their six month mandate, namely to complete the process of harmonising their legislation in the spirit of PCC SEE, strengthening the mechanism for effective implementation of standards of personal data, intensifying the efforts to strengthen bilateral and multilateral partnerships with the Contracting Parties, planning the organisation of various working groups in areas foreseen by PCC SEE, organising cross-border surveillance exercises, conducting joint operations with neighbouring states and other Contracting Parties and convening the Fifth Committee of Ministers. 

Attention was dedicated to the Road Map for the implementation of PCC SEE for the period 2011 – 2015, confirmed by the Committee of Ministers to be an important and useful strategic document which places a common framework for all Contracting Parties in achieving the necessary standards. It was agreed that the Contracting Parties will set the priorities for 2012 according to the Road Map.

It was also agreed that a PCC SEE Work Plan will be prepared on an annual basis and the Contracting Parties should take an active part in the preparation of this Work Plan. The members of the Expert Working Group recommended the Contracting Parties take all necessary measures to facilitate the implementation of PCC SEE.

The content of the Committee of Ministers’ Decision on the Classification Level of the Police Cooperation Convention Manual was agreed upon. It was therefore agreed that the PCC Manual shall not be restricted, the Contracting Parties shall take the PCC Manual into account when drafting their national guidelines and regulations regarding specific articles of PCC SEE, the PCC Manual shall be sent to the National Authorities of the Contracting Parties which should be instructed to use the PCC Manual as the main tool when performing duties covered by PCC SEE and the PCC Manual shall be used for the purpose of training all personnel affected to duties regulated in PCC SEE.

The decision of the Expert Working Group on the Establishment of a Thematic Working Group on JIT Expert Network within PCC SEE was not adopted. It was rather agreed that the Contracting Parties will send written comments on the decision to the PCC SEE Secretariat and after that the silent procedure for the adoption of the decision will be launched.

The discussion paper regarding the Post-visa liberalisation monitoring mechanism for the Western Balkan countries was discussed by the members of the Expert Working Group as well the positions on the involvement of the PCC SEE Secretariat in this mechanism. The discussion paper was amended in accordance with the suggestions received and the final text submitted to the Committee of Ministers was agreed upon by all members.

The participants of the meeting were also informed on the upcoming evaluation in the area of data protection in the Republic of Albania, the achievements and progress of the implementation process, the priorities of the Moldavian Chairmanship in Office and the future Montenegrin Chairmanship of PCC SEE.

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina