Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012.01.23



Workshop in the Field of Undercover Investigations

The Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Austria and the European Commission, supported by the PCC SEE Secretariat, are organising a workshop in the field of undercover investigations. The workshop will be held on 23-27 January 2012 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aim of the workshop is bringing together experts of countries in SEE, representatives of Ministries of EU countries and Europol, in order to supplement national efforts in SEE. The workshop, performed under Article 11 PCC SEE, is of utmost importance, as for the first time all heads of the respective Undercover Units of the Western Balkan States will gather in a practical-oriented workshop training on undercover investigations and, by this means, strengthen cross-border police cooperation among the countries concerned and the Western Balkan States.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Thomas Pepper at


Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina