Brussels, Belgium, 2009.11.17



2nd Meeting of the Committee of Ministers

The Committee of Ministers, composed of Ministers of the Contracting Parties responsible for home affairs, decided unanimously on the interpretation, implementation and application of the Convention. The Ministers met on 17 November 2009 in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting was convened on the margins of the EU Western Balkan Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Forum (organised by the Swedish EU Presidency).

The following documents were adopted or endorsed:
• Adopted Committee of Ministers Rules of Procedure
• Endorsed Action Plan
• Endorsed Work Programme for the Secretariat of the Convention for 2010
• Endorsed Communication Strategy for the Contracting Parties
• Adopted decision on the rotation of the Chairmanship of the Convention
• Adopted decision on Mutual Evaluation in the area of Data Protection

The Ministers also agreed on the recognition of the Common Threat Assessment on organized Crime for South East European Region as implementation of Article 7 of the Convention and supported the Romanian proposal on the development of a partnership between the Contracting Parties by accesing financial instruments such as grants.

• Participants were informed on the state of play of:
o The setting-up of the Police Cooperation Convention Manual
o The adoption of the implementation agreements and arrangements
o The implementation of the Convention in the area of establishment of the National Central Units
o The establishment of Common Centres
o The Conduction of standardized training on Convention related matters
o The progress of the PCC SEE Secretariat

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina