Tirana, Albania, 2011.03.23



Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Data Protection and Mutual Evaluation in the area of Data Protection

The Republic of Albania was the first Contracting Party to undergo the Mutual Evaluation in the Area of Data Protection under PCC SEE. The execution of this on the spot Evaluation was in full accordance with the Decision of the Committee of Ministers of 17 November 2009 on the Rules of Procedure for Evaluations in the Area of Data Protection (CoM 03/09). The evaluation started with the written Statement of readiness submitted by the Republic of Albania, in accordance with the above mentioned Decision of the Committee of Ministers, and was further carried out by the Evaluation team on the basis of the Expert Working Group’s decision on conducting on the spot Evaluation in the Area of Data Protection in the Republic of Albania (EWG 05/10).

The evaluation started with the meeting of the Ad hoc Working Group on Data protection, established with the Rules of Procedure (CoM 03/09), with the aim of agreeing upon all the details for execution of the evaluation as well as of presenting the working methodology for evaluation. The Albanian experts also used this meeting as an opportunity to present the latest version of the updated Questionnaire on exchange of personal data.

During the evaluation, the Evaluation Team, consisting of experts in the field of personal data protection nominated by their respective Ministers of Interior, visited the following Albanian institutions, involved/dealing with the exchange of personal data or regarding their protection, namely:
•   The Commissioner for Personal Data Protection,
•   Directorate of Cooperation and International Coordination (ILECUS),
•   IT Directory,
•   Border Crossing point at Tirana airport,
•   Regional Police Directorate in Durres.
The Evaluation team, led by Mr. Victor Morari, on behalf of the current Moldovan Chairmanship of PCC SEE, met the responsible persons and thoroughly examined the respecting of the provisions from PCC SEE with regard to data protection.

The Evaluation team is further tasked to prepare a report on the state of play in the area of data protection in the Republic of Albania. This report will be subject to remarks and suggestions made by the Republic of Albania and further agreements with the Ad Hoc Working Group on Data Protection and the Expert Working Group. After examining this report, the Committee of Ministers shall adopt a decision whether the Republic of Albania fulfils the precondition from PCC SEE in the area of data protection and after a positive decision has been adopted, Albania can start with the exchange of information containing personal data, under the provisions of PCC SEE, with those Contracting Parties for which a positive decision has previously been made.

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina