, 2012.11.07



Hot Pursuit Exercise between Bulgaria and Macedonia

The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, the Federal Ministry of Interior of Austria and the European Commission, are preparing the Workshop on Cross-border Hot Pursuit Exercise which will take place from 13-16 November 2012 in Kyustendil, Bulgaria.

Selected police officers from Bulgaria and Macedonia shall be familiarised with the legal framework and best practices connected to the hot pursuit and cross-border cooperation, and will also learn about the procedures required when in hot pursuit and obligations deriving from it. The participants shall be engaged in a real-life exercise, where they will perform two cross-border hot pursuits, followed by an evaluation and a round table discussion at which the exercises will be analysed in detail.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Thomas Pepper at thomas.pepper@bmi.gv.at.

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina